Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Stupid sweatshirt.

It feels like I want to climb a ladder but I've run out of rungs. My whole force is moving forward, but there's no where to go. Oh god, is this it? I know you're supposed to play the cards you've been dealt, but I don't think I was taught the rules of this game.

I always believed that life was a great tapestry, molecules of moments spun into threads of stories woven through each other into something beautiful. When I was younger I thought that if I could find the beauty in the melancholy, the mundane, then I'd know peace.

Right now it feels like my thread's the color grey, and I'm woven far into the background, so far that I don't even see myself in the great tapestry. It all looks like meaningless fabric that's no good for anything, not even for soaking tears, just like this stupid sweatshirt.

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